Ferro Alloys


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Our Solutions

We process highly rated manganese ore and export Ferro Alloys across the world. We receive, store, screen, mix, smelt, tap, cast, cool, crush and ship our finished product to our buyers. This gives us a competitive edge as the entire process is completed under our operation.

Silico Manganese

A wide shot picture of pit of ferro silico manganese.
Manganese - 65% min
Silicone - 15% min
Carbon - 2.25% max
Phosphorus - 0.35% max
Sulphur - 0.03% max
Manganese - 65% min
Silicone - 16% min
Carbon - 2% max
Phosphorus - 0.35% max
Sulphur - 0.03% max

Ferro Manganese

ferro silicon pit
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Manganese - 70% - 75 %
Silicon - 1.5% maximum
Carbon - 6% - 8%
Sulphur - 0.05 % maximum
Phosphorus - 0.30 % maximum
Manganese - 75% - 80%
Silicon - 1.5% maximum
Carbon - 6% - 8%
Sulphur - 0.05 % maximum
Phosphorus - 0.30 % maximum
Manganese - 80% - 85%
Silicon - 1.5% maximum
Carbon - 1.5% - 2%
Sulphur - 0.05 % maximum
Phosphorus - 0.30 % maximum

Ferro Silicone

Grade 1
Grade 2
Silicon - 70% - 75%
Carbon - 0.10% maximum
Sulphur - 0.03% maximum
Phosphorus - 0.20% maximum
Calcium - 0.25% maximum
Aluminum - 0.25% maximum
Silicon - 75% - 80%
Carbon - 0.10% maximum
Sulphur - 0.03% maximum
Phosphorus - 0.20% maximum
Calcium - 0.25% maximum
Aluminium - 0.25% maximum