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Our Solutions

At Tru-Leap, we specialize in soybean agro processing, offering a comprehensive solution that covers every stage of the process. Starting with oilseed extraction, we utilize advanced techniques to obtain high-quality soybean oil. Our state-of-the-art refining process ensures the production of refined soybean oil, meeting stringent quality standards.

Oil Seed Extraction
Oil Seed Refining
  1. Cleaning and Pre-Conditioning: The first stage involves thorough cleaning of the soybeans to remove any impurities, debris, or foreign materials. The cleaned soybeans then undergo pre-conditioning, where they are carefully heated to optimize oil extraction efficiency.

  2. Crushing and Flaking: The pre-conditioned soybeans are then subjected to crushing and flaking. This process breaks down the soybeans into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area and facilitating efficient oil extraction.

  3. Oil Extraction: The crushed and flaked soybeans are subjected to a mechanical extraction process. Through the use of specialized equipment, such as screw presses or solvent extraction systems, we extract the oil from the soybean flakes. This step involves the separation of oil from the solid residue, known as soybean meal.
  1. Degumming: Removal of impurities and phospholipids to enhance oil clarity and stability.
  2. Neutralization: Neutralizing free fatty acids for improved flavor and acid value control.
  3. Bleaching: Utilizing adsorbent materials to remove pigments and residual impurities, ensuring a visually appealing and pure oil.
  4. Deodorization: Applying high-temperature and vacuum conditions to eliminate odors while preserving nutritional properties.
  5. Optional Processes: Winterization and dewaxing for removing waxes and solids, if necessary.